It's been four months since I left everything I knew behind and moved into a new world. Four months of making new friends, taking new classes, learning the weirdness that is communal shower, and realizing how expensive everything is.
But along with all this stuff that has been AWAY too much fun, sometimes when I'm alone, this weird things take over me.
I've never really been homesick before. All those times when I went to camps, I think I missed my family, but I had friends with me and it wasn't as bad.
Even though I've only gotten really homesick a few times, I have found some really good tricks for batting it. Everyone deals with homesickness differently, I find these are really great way for me to get on with my new life even when I feel sad.
Because our true home is in heaven, we sometimes get homesick.
Senin, 15 Desember 2014
Minggu, 28 September 2014
Memories In High School
3 tahun sudah terlewati, masa – masa di SMA yang indah itu sekarang sudah jadi kenangan. Masa masa dimana kita saling nyontek kalau ada pr yang seharusnya dikerjakan di rumah tapi kita selalu mengerjakannya di sekolah, di hari tugas itu harus dikumpulkan. Bahkan, sewaktu ulanganpun kadang kita mencontek jawaban teman satu sama lain. Kebayangkan rasa saling tolong menolong kita disitu terasa banget. Walaupun waktu kelas satu kita semua tidak berasal dari kelas yang sama. Tapi selama dua tahun bersama Grados (Grade Of Social Three) sebutan untuk kelasku di kelas 2 dan 3 SMA.
Aku masih
ingat ketika diawal kelas 2, dimana kita harus saling mensesuaikan diri dengan
teman – teman baru yang berasal dari tiap kelas yang berbeda. Dimana disitu
kita mendapat wali kelas yang baru. Sewaktu awal – awal wali kelas masuk untuk
memberi pelajaran, ada satu temanku yang tidak memperhatikan beliau dan sibuk
mengobrol dengan teman sebangkunya, akhirnya wali kelasku marah dan berbicara
kata – kata kasar. Dari situ grados berniat
untuk mengganti wali kelas dengan guru yang lain. Namun permintaan kita tidak
Di semester akhir kelas 2 SMA tepatnya bulan Februari dulu pernah
berantem sama temen – temen cuma karena salah
paham doang, dan berbulan bulan aku sama sahabatku dimusuhi mereka. Nggak cuma
itu, yang bikin keadaan jadi tambah panas, karena ada profokator diantara kita, dan orang
itu adalah cowok. Aku juga nggak ngerti kenapa “dia” begitu nggak suka sama
aku. Kalau dipikir – pikir aku nggak pernah bikin masalah sama dia. Tapi waktu
study tour keadaan kita sudah kembali seperti semula, dimana tidak ada rasa
benci diantara kita.
Seiring berjalannya waktu, ujian
nasional pun semakin dekat. Kita sibuk belajar bersama, mengikuti pelajaran
tambahan sampai sore hari, dan disitu sekolah menjadi rumah pertama kita
dibanding rumah kita sebenarnya karena lebih banyak waktu yang dihabiskan di
sekolah daripada di rumah sendiri. Sewaktu jam istirahat sebelum pelajaran
tambahan dimulai pun kita sama – sama pergi bareng buat makan untuk makan
siang, kita saling berbagi makanan, ketawa bareng, becanda bareng dan
bercierita hal – hal konyol yang bisa bikin kita semua tertawa.
Saat hari ujian nasional tinggal
keesokan harinya, masalah kembali datang kepadaku dan sahabatku. Mereka –orang orang
yang ada hubungannya dengan kunci jawaban-
marah besar ke kita berdua. Mereka tidak mau mendengarkan penjelasan kita, dan
tetap marah hingga ujian nasional pun berakhir. Setelah pengumuman ketululusan, kita sudah
kemabali seperti semula, saling bercanda dan tertawa.
Masa masa di SMA memang indah,
banyak kenangan. Ketawa bareng, bahkan sampai nangis bareng juga. Tapi sekarang
masa – masa SMA hanya ti
nggal kenangan. Kita semua sudah berpisah, ada yang
melanjutkan hidupnya untuk kerja, melanjutkan untuk menuntut ilmu yang lebih
tinggi dan ada juga yang mungkin untuk menikah tapi aku juga tidak tau apa ada
yang menikah atau tidak. Banyak yang memutuskan untuk pergi dari Lampung, kota
di SMA ku, tapi ada yang tetap tinggal di Lampung.
Kita semua sudah harus memikirkan
masa depan, sudah sibuk dengan dunianya masing – masing. Lebaran kemarin pun
hanya beberapa orang yang bisa berkumpul bareng, tidak banyak, tidak sampai
setengah dari anggota grados. Kapan bisa
kumpul bareng lagi? Bisa becanda bareng – bareng, ketawa bareng, cerita hal –
hal amazing seperti dulu.
Miss you the family of grados :')
Sabtu, 27 September 2014
Wave Of Life
Life is like swimming in the ocean
Think of the ocean as your life
You have two options
You can choose to sink
Give up and drown in life
Or you can choose to swim
Endure life's pressures and carry on
Think of the ocean waves as the struggles you face in life
Sometimes the waves are big and scary
Powerful and strong, pushing you around, filling you with anxiety and uncertainty
And it's hard to swim with all the pressure the waves cause
Other times the waves are small and mellow
Easy-going, comfortable, filling you with self-confidence
And it's easier to bear, swim around, and carry on
You see, life is like that
Life is filled with big, scary struggles
And small, mellow struggles
We all face struggles, day in and day out
Sometimes they are easier to bear and it's easier to "keep swimming"
Other times the struggles are so uncomfortable, confusing, and hard
That they cause you to feel like you're "drowning"
But you see, we have no control over the ocean
We can't control the ocean's movements
We can't control the size of the waves
We aren't God
Only the Creator of the Universe has the ability to control the ocean's movements
But we do have a choice to make while in it
We can either endure the wave's pressure and keep swimming,
Or we can give up, quit, and drown
We cannot avoid the struggles that life brings,
And we don't have complete control over the struggles
But we have control in our reactions to our struggles
And we play a part in how these struggles will affect us
In life we have the opportunity to carry on and endure
Or we can make the choice to throw in the towel and give up
The latter isn't a smart decision,
Because life is painful and hard
But at the same time life is meaningful
And our time on this earth is very special
Each and every one of us has a purpose in this life
So, what will you choose to do when life gets hard and you feel the waves crashing into you?
Think of the ocean as your life
You have two options
You can choose to sink
Give up and drown in life
Or you can choose to swim
Endure life's pressures and carry on
Think of the ocean waves as the struggles you face in life
Sometimes the waves are big and scary
Powerful and strong, pushing you around, filling you with anxiety and uncertainty
And it's hard to swim with all the pressure the waves cause
Other times the waves are small and mellow
Easy-going, comfortable, filling you with self-confidence
And it's easier to bear, swim around, and carry on
You see, life is like that
Life is filled with big, scary struggles
And small, mellow struggles
We all face struggles, day in and day out
Sometimes they are easier to bear and it's easier to "keep swimming"
Other times the struggles are so uncomfortable, confusing, and hard
That they cause you to feel like you're "drowning"
But you see, we have no control over the ocean
We can't control the ocean's movements
We can't control the size of the waves
We aren't God
Only the Creator of the Universe has the ability to control the ocean's movements
But we do have a choice to make while in it
We can either endure the wave's pressure and keep swimming,
Or we can give up, quit, and drown
We cannot avoid the struggles that life brings,
And we don't have complete control over the struggles
But we have control in our reactions to our struggles
And we play a part in how these struggles will affect us
In life we have the opportunity to carry on and endure
Or we can make the choice to throw in the towel and give up
The latter isn't a smart decision,
Because life is painful and hard
But at the same time life is meaningful
And our time on this earth is very special
Each and every one of us has a purpose in this life
So, what will you choose to do when life gets hard and you feel the waves crashing into you?
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